“What cannot be communicated to the [m]other cannot be communicated to the self.”
John Bowlby

It is my privilege to provide Lifespan Integration Therapy to clinicians pursuing certification. Having gone through the process myself, I understand the investment of time and finances you are making to become certified. I intend to make you a priority in my schedule, whenever possible, to promote a positive and timely experience for you. Over the years, I have consistently witnessed clients/therapists rapidly find healing and wholeness by utilizing the various protocols of LI.

Being the client, I believe, makes you a better therapist! I wholeheartedly believe that the LI therapy required for certification is life-changing, both personally and professionally. I am convinced that you can only take your clients as far as you have gone yourself. I have experienced the freedom that is found in being deeply known. For me, therapy is a sacred space that offers this freedom.

I have completed all levels of training offered at this time, including LI Theory and Practice and LI Baseline Plus Essentials Updates.


It is important to know that this is not consultation. You are not coming in with your “therapist hat” on, ready to learn techniques on how to do LI. That is important work and a part of the LI certification process, but this is not what I am offering. You are asked to come in as the client to receive attuned attention and care for yourself. I know for some of us, this is an incredibly vulnerable ask AND one that comes with significant repair and healing, which you and later your LI clients will benefit greatly from.

  • At the onset of LI therapy, we will go over the list of protocols to experience and map out where to begin.

  • These sessions will include both core building and trauma clearing protocols. Certification requires enough LI sessions from a certified LI therapist to establish a “solid enough” core and to experience, as a client, all of the LI protocols.

  • Though I have a definitive list of protocols that will be experienced during our work together, I cannot tell you from the onset the number of sessions needed to establish a “solid enough” core. I intend to communicate openly about what is unfolding in our work together and give you a sense of where you are in the process. It has been my experience that we both will have a felt sense of the process, and I will do my best to articulate this clearly.

  • I will have the privilege of being a part of your selected committee’ to discuss your progress in the certification process. It is important to know that the details of your therapy will always remain confidential. I will only be speaking about the progress that we have already discussed together in our process of therapy.

  • When your selected committee comes to a consensus that you have a thorough understanding of LI, have experienced all the LI protocols, and have a solid enough self-structure, you will be referred for certification. An LI instructor will give final approval.

  • My rates: $170 for 55 min. // $260 for 85 min.

“What matters is presence and cultivating the kind of presence that slows things down and wakes us up to what is happening around us.”

-Tina Payne Bryson


To get started, complete and submit the form by clicking on the tab below. I’ll contact you within 1 to 2 business days to discuss where you are in the certification process and the next steps to begin therapy. I intend to make you a priority in my schedule, whenever possible, to promote a positive and timely experience for you. The journey to becoming certified in LI is not for the faint of heart, but it is so worth the investment, personally and professionally. It indeed can be life-changing! I offer in-person therapy from my office in Gig Harbor, WA, or through telehealth. I especially look forward to offering this opportunity to clinicians licensed and practicing in California due to the growing demand for clinicians pursuing certification.

“The roots of resilience . . . are to be found in the sense of being understood by and existing in the mind and heart of a loving, attuned, and self-possessed other.”

—Diana Fosha